Free local delivery.

Local Delivery Information:

Bartlesville and Dewey: We strive to get your products to you the same day you order them within normal business hours. We deliver Tuesday-Sat.  We understand last minute, urgent gifts are sometimes needed. If you find yourself in this situation, TEXT 918-397-4833 and we will do our best to meet your needs.


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Safeguarding our customers and their families is of utmost importance the Commodity Shoppe. As we continue to deal with COVID-19, we remain focused on the health and safety of our customers. Our employees have all been vaccinated. 

Due to Monkey Pox cases rising nationally, if you have a rash, swollen lymph nodes, a temperature, symptoms that present with monkey pox, we ask you to refrain from trying on clothing. We spray our clothing with sanitizing spray but we can not guarantee transmission will not occur. 

**NOTE: Monkey Pox is not a gay disease. It is not a sexually transmitted disease. Visit the world health Organization website for more information.

We appreciate your cooperation during these challenging times. We will continue to follow CDC’s recommended guidance on behaviors like washing hands, social distancing, the cleaning of surfaces, and mask use. 

We believe in selflessness before all else, and do not feel public health is a political issue. We do what we do because we genuinely care about not only our own health, but the health of community members. 

Hand sanitizer is located at the front door upon entry.

All surfaces and shopping carts are sanitized on a routine basis.

Please email with any concerns you have pertaining to our COVID/Monkeypox response. 

We wish you and yours a long happy, healthy life.